Saturday, November 14, 2009

Silent Cries for Help...

I have always told myself that someone out there has it worse then me, whenever I get down and depressed about something, and most often I am never really depressed or wish that I could have a different life, because there is something about wishing, hoping, and having faith in it if you aren't willing to do anything about it. I look at hope as something that you yourself can achieve either now or in the near future so there really is a point to hope for it. But unless you hope for something and you don't put in the work that it takes to achieve, you have to ask yourself the question of "Why hope if you aren't going to do anything about it?" I look at having faith in it as something you yourself can believe in. If you don't believe in it, how can you have faith in it to help you when you need it or them the most? I know for a fact on a daily basis people suffer in silence, they think no one is there to hear their cries for help, they think by not voicing it that it will not affect them or the people around them Well I am here to tell you here and now that is not tru: in order for people to understand they have to you have to be willing to share, in order for you to heal you have to let them know. Life is way to short and unexpected for you to suffer in silence, voice those feelings and emotions, scream them from the roof tops, and who knows maybe you have the power to save someone life without realizing it. So I pose the question: Is it worth you suffering in silence if unknown souls share the same fears as you do????

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