Sunday, October 10, 2010

Two Year Olds Inner Thoughts!!!!

Two year old's have the personality of a grown - up the capacity to learn at the rate of speed, but their energy levels are like pushing crack through your veins. They don't seem to understand that as we adults get older our energy levels aren't what they used to be. So when I say that crack kills I am seriously talking about the amount of energy one most have to keep up with and out smart a two year old. I swear someone needs to figure out the formula that it takes to bottle that crack up and sell it. I feel like I have aged like 40 years within the couple hours that I have hung out with my niece.

My two year old niece is very addictive but then there are moments where you want to give yourself a grown-up time out because you don't have the energy level nor the brain capacity to keep up with them anymore. They are a very interesting at that age because they are learning to say a lot more things but they still have that "Baby Talk" where they say something to you and you just look at them with this confused look on your face because if you say the wrong thing and don't know what the hell you are talking about you can get yourself into some serious trouble. I think since they are still at that age of knowing more then some give them credit for and then some that they minds have developed this secret language called "Adult Manipulation." They babble in that speak where you have no clue as to what they are talking about because they know you have no clue.

The inner workings of a two year old mind is very developed and very structured to certain things. As they get older is when they begin to loose that need to manipulate and begin to learn to understand when to cross the line of manipulation to given into their parents and their wishes. Being around a two year old is very interesting they have this way of just simplifying the hardest things and making the simplest things the hardest things. To be two again, would you go back????

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